Online Classes

We Are Organizing Online Classes


Step 1: To start online classes define your training goals

The purpose of launching your online classes should be clear. Determine your business metric and the impact you want to create through the courses. If you are an established business you could be taking online classes for different purposes. For example, one of the reasons could be to train your clients about how to use certain tools.

Business goal: Define what are the financial and other growth outcomes you expect to bring into your business through your courses.

Teaching Goal: Define the teaching goals behind the launch of your course. Whether to help your clients master a tool or to teach a subject or help your customers use your products better.

Learning objectives: You need to clearly define what your learners will achieve by the end of the course.

Step 2: Outline your online classes

Divide the whole module into folders and sub-folders, containing topics and sub-topics. While planning out the whole module, keep in mind the learning objective. Keep yourself in the place of the learners and try to determine the flow of your course content that would be most effective.

Plan out a combination of the form of content that would be more engaging. Our educators who create audiovisual content like videos or teach online live classes have apparently seen higher engagement.

Once you are done with the module planning, establish a tentative delivery timeline for those content. Make sure you document them.

Step 3: Build your online course content

The real work comes into play at this step. You would start creating online course content at this step. However, the process need not be time-consuming.

Step 4: Engage your target learners

Now that you are done with the substantial part of creating online classes, it’s time to deliver it to your target audience. You have to plan on how to effectively deliver your course to your learners. The accessibility of your course is just as important as the content itself. If learners can’t access your course, they would never be able to see the course content.

By “accessibility” we’re referring to a learner’s first encounter with the course. It could be the course link or landing page. Structure the process of discovering your course of buying them in a way that is easy to navigate and value-filled.